

YouTube lowers monetization requirements for YouTubers

YouTube has now eased the monetization requirements so you can earn money even if you have fewer subscribers


YouTube eases monetization requirements, so you can earn money with fewer subscribers

YouTube has declared that it will relax the conditions for creators to make money from their work. Before, in order to monetize their channels, creators needed to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 view hours. The new guidelines will simply require artists to have 500 subscribers and 3,000 watch hours.

This is a significant development for YouTube that may allow a completely new category of creators to participate in the monetization program. Small creators had a hard time crossing the monetization threshold in the past. However, with the new standards, they will find it lot simpler to begin generating income from their channels.

Why did YouTube ease its monetization requirements?

There are a number possible explanations for YouTube’s decision to loosen its revenue criteria. One explanation is that other video platforms like TikTok and Twitch are becoming more and more competitive with the corporation. These platforms have simplified the process of making money for creators, and YouTube might be facing pressure to follow suit.

YouTube’s efforts to draw more artists to its platform are another factor in the development. The business is aware that there will be more content available for users to view on YouTube as more creators join the platform. And people are more likely to use YouTube if there is more content available.

What does this mean for YouTube creators?

For creators, the relaxation of monetization constraints is excellent news. More people will be able to start generating income from their channels as a result. This might make the YouTube creator community more financially viable.

It’s crucial to remember that even while the conditions for revenue have been loosened, artists will still need to make excellent content that viewers want to watch. You must produce engaging, educational, or entertaining video if you want to make money from your YouTube channel. Additionally, you must advertise your channel on social media and other websites.

How to start earning money from YouTube

Here are some options if you’re interested in making money from your YouTube channel:

  1. Fulfil the monetization criteria. As was already said, in order to monetize your channel, you must have at least 500 subscribers and 3,000 view hours.
  2. Produce top-notch material. If you want people to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel, this is crucial.
  3. Make your channel known. Share information about your channel on social media and other online channels.
  4. Have patience. Building a successful YouTube channel takes time. Expecting to start making a lot of money right away is unrealistic.


For creators, the relaxation of monetization constraints is excellent news. More people will be able to start generating income from their channels as a result. High-quality video creation, channel promotion, and persistence are all important if you want to monetize your YouTube channel.

Additional Information

  • The monetization program on YouTube enables creators to make money through a number of strategies, such as advertising, channel memberships, and Super Chat.
  • Creators must fulfill certain requirements, such as having a specific amount of subscribers and watch hours, in order to be eligible for the monetization program.
  • Since it will be simpler for creators to monetize their channels, the relaxation of monetization standards is a good development for them.
  • YouTube creators who want to make money should concentrate on producing high-quality material, promoting their channels, and exercising patience.

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Written by Jason Miles

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