
Malaria has been reported in Florida and Texas on a rare basis

Malaria cases found in Florida and Texas are rare, but you should be aware of what it means


Health officials in Florida and Texas have confirmed cases of malaria in recent years.

Mosquitoes spread the disease caused by the parasite that causes malaria. People can find the disease all throughout the world, including the United States, but it is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas.

What are the symptoms of malaria?

Symptoms of a malarial infection typically appear 10 to 15 days following a mosquito bite. But the signs can potentially show up as soon as 7 days or as much as 40 days following the bite.

The most common symptoms of a malarial infection are:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Sweats
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Cough

Malaria: how does it spread?

Infected Anopheles mosquitoes spread a malarial infection by biting people. When a mosquito bites a a malarial infection patient, the mosquito contracts the disease. After then, the parasite moves to the salivary glands of the mosquito, where it can spread to another person when the mosquito bites them.

What is the treatment for malaria?

Doctors use medication to cure malaria. Depending on the type of a malarial infection parasite causing the illness, doctors administer different kinds of treatment.

What are some ways to prevent malaria?

There are a number of ways to prevent malaria, including:

  • Using insect repellent
  • Wearing long sleeves and pants
  • Sleeping under a mosquito net
  • Taking preventive medication

Rare cases of malaria in Florida and Texas

There have been a few unusual cases of a malarial infection reported in Florida and Texas in recent years. The Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which is responsible for the most severe type of a malarial infection, has been the cause of these cases.

Travel to areas where a malarial infection is endemic has been related to the incidence in Florida and Texas. However, it’s probable that these incidents were brought on by American mosquito bites.

What to do if you think you have A malarial infection?

It’s crucial to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect you have malaria. Although malaria can be a deadly condition, it is curable if discovered early.

The doctor will question your symptoms and past travel experiences. In addition, they might request a blood test to validate the diagnosis.

If a malarial infection is found to be present, your doctor will provide medicine to treat the infection. You must take the prescription exactly as prescribed by the doctor.


Although a malarial infection is a deadly illness, if it is detected early on, it can be treated. It’s crucial to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect you have malaria.

You can find more Nutrition and health hot topics here.

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Written by Jason Miles

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