

Suez Canal: Ship refloated after running aground

Exploring the Impact of the Suez Canal Bulk Carrier Incident on International Trade


A Bulk Carrier Sinks in the Suez Canal

On Monday, a bulk carrier capsized in Egypt’s Suez Canal, briefly disrupting traffic.

In the Ismailia governorate of them, close to the city of Qantara, the Panamanian-flagged MV Glory got aground while transporting maize from Ukraine to China.

Their Authority (SCA) refloated the ship, which was transporting 65,970 metric tones of maize from Ukraine to China, using four tugboats.

Their Authority refloated the ship at 11:30 a.m. local time.

Investigation of the cause of the incident

The SCA has stated that a technical malfunction is likely to blame for the incident. They are still investigating the cause.

The grounding of the MV Glory briefly halted traffic in the Suez Canal. It took roughly two hours to refloat the ship. After that, traffic was restored, and the canal is now back to normal.

A major shipping route is the Suez Canal

One of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, their carries around 12% of all international trade.

In March 2021, the 200,000-ton container ship Ever Given ran aground, closing the canal for six days.

Global trade was severely disrupted by the blockade, which is believed to have cost the maritime sector $9 billion.

To Prevent Similar Incidents, SCA Has Taken Steps

Since then, the Suez Canal Authority has taken action to avoid future occurrences of the same type of disaster.

The Suez Canal Authority has implemented new traffic control measures and enlarged and deepened the canal.

Additionally, the SCA has boosted the number of tugboats available to help ships in need.

The refloating of MV Glory is a positive development

The refloating of the MV Glory is a positive development for the Suez Canal and for global trade.

The incident is a reminder of the importance of the canal to global trade, and the need to take steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

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Written by Jason Miles

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