

Tourist Taxes: Where you will have to pay in 2023

Throughout 2023, you’ll be paying a Tourist taxes to enter all the countries you’ll have to pay to enter

tourist taxes where you will have to pay entry fee in 2023

There will be an increase in the tourist taxes in 2023 which is going to affect a number of countries

An increasing number of popular tourist destinations worldwide are implementing entry fees and taxes for foreign visitors. These tourist taxes help raise revenues for infrastructure, conservation, and other public programs. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of countries requiring tourist taxes that travelers should be aware of when planning 2023 vacations.

What Are Tourist Taxes?

Tourist taxes, sometimes called entry fees or visitor taxes, refer to mandatory charges that tourists must pay to enter certain countries as a condition of their visit. They are distinct from visa fees, as visa fees cover administrative costs while tourist taxes raise revenues.

Tourist taxes are generally collected upon arrival or departure. Revenues supplement state budgets and fund initiatives like environmental protection, tourism promotion, infrastructure, maintenance of attractions, and cultural heritage.

As more places adopt tourist taxes, understanding where they exist helps travelers budget accordingly.

Growing Popularity of Tourist Taxes

Charging entry fees on tourists has become increasingly popular across the world for several key reasons:

  • Raise revenues from tourists rather than burdening residents
  • Ensure tourists contribute fairly to maintaining attractions they use
  • Counter environmental impact of tourism in fragile ecosystems
  • Reduce overcrowding problems at landmarks
  • Fund infrastructure upgrades needed to support visitor volumes
  • Enable destination marketing and improvement of tourism industry

Done equitably, tourist taxes can be a win-win allowing destinations to sustainably benefit from travel activity.

Controversies Around Tourist Taxes

However, tourist taxes also carry some controversies:

  • Added cost burdens for tourists, especially budget travelers
  • Complexities of different fees across cities, regions, countries
  • Revenue usage not always transparent or benefiting tourists
  • Fees seem to “punish” tourists simply for visiting
  • Potential deterrent effect on tourism if fees too high
  • Administration costs to implement collection systems

Destination governments need to balance revenue needs against competitiveness and craft optimal tourist tax structures.

Countries Charging Tourist Taxes in 2023

Here is a comprehensive overview of popular tourist destinations worldwide that have tourist taxes in effect for 2023:


  • Italy – City tax in Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan
  • France – City tax in Paris
  • Croatia – Sojourn tax on accommodations
  • Austria – City tax in Vienna, Salzburg
  • Switzerland – Local visitor taxes

North America:

  • Bahamas – Hotel room levy
  • Bermuda – Visitor tax on air arrivals
  • Mexico – Hotel tax in Cancun, Riviera Maya

Central America & Caribbean:

  • Belize – Airport departure tax
  • Costa Rica – Country exit tax

South America:

  • Ecuador – Entry fee for Galapagos Islands
  • Chile – Entry fee for Easter Island
  • Bolivia – Departure tax on domestic flights


  • Egypt – Entry visa fee
  • Morocco – City tax in Marrakesh
  • Seychelles – Environmental levy
  • Uganda – Visa fee


  • Thailand – Entry fee planned for 2023
  • Maldives – Departure tax
  • Singapore – New Sustainable Tourism Fee


  • New Zealand – Tourist tax proposed for 2023 budget

This covers the key countries where tourists will encounter taxes next year. Amounts range widely so research specific fees.

Country-By-Country Details on Tourist Tax Fees

To help travelers estimate costs, here are more details on specific tourist taxes for top destinations:


  • Major cities like Rome, Florence, Venice, Pisa, Milan charge city taxes on overnight hotel stays.
  • Fees range from €3-7 per person per night depending on season. Children under 10-12 may be exempt.
  • Tax is charged by accommodation directly at checkout.


  • A tourist tax applies for overnight stays in hotels/rentals in cities like Paris, Nice, Cannes, Bordeaux.
  • Rates range from under €2 up to €6 per person per night depending on locale and type of accommodation.


  • A sojourn tax applies to overnight hotel/apartment stays throughout Croatia.
  • It is charged per person per night, with seasonal rates from 8-15 Kuna ($1-2 USD).


  • Visitors staying overnight in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck pay a city tax of €3-4 per person per night.


  • Switzerland has no national tourist tax, but many regions/cities charge small local visitor taxes.


  • A 12% Hotel Room Levy is applied on hotel room charges in Nassau, Paradise Island, Grand Bahama Island.


  • Bermuda charges a $35 per person Airport Arrival Tax for all airline visitors. Cruise passengers pay different fees.


  • Popular resort areas Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya charge lodging taxes of up to 4% on hotel rooms.

Costa Rica

  • A $30 per person departure tax when leaving Costa Rica by air to destinations outside Central America.


  • $100 entry fee for foreigners to visit the Galapagos Islands, must be prepaid before arrival.


  • $60 fee on arrival to Easter Island for non-Chilean or resident tourists.


  • Domestic flights within Bolivia carry an airport tax of around 70 Bolivianos ($10 USD).


  • Entry visa mandatory for all visitors costs $25-30 USD paid upon arrival for most nationalities.


  • $10 per day Environmental Levy added to any hotel charges for all visitors.


  • From July 2023, a Sustainable Tourism Fee of S$5-15 will apply per hotel night booked.

This covers key taxes tourists will encounter next year by region and country. Amounts vary, so check official government sites for all fees. Proper budgeting will avoid surprises on arrival.

Tips for Managing Tourist Tax Costs

Here are some tips for managing and minimizing tourist tax costs on your 2023 travels:

  • Research all taxes and fees before booking so they don’t come as a surprise.
  • Factor tax costs into your overall trip budget to allocate accordingly.
  • Inquire about any possible exemptions for young children if traveling as a family.
  • Consider alternative lodging like home rentals if hotel taxes are very high in a destination.
  • Opt for shorter stays rather than lengthy trips if per-night taxes are steep.
  • Time visits during off-peak seasons when some tax rates are lower.
  • Carry small bills and local currency to have exact change ready where taxes are paid in cash only.

While extra costs like tourist taxes can be frustrating, understanding where they exist allows you to carefully budget for your 2023 travels. With some preparation, research, and planning, you can manage these obligations smoothly and focus on creating amazing vacation memories. Bon voyage!


What are tourist taxes?

Tourist taxes are fees charged by certain countries or cities that travelers must pay to enter or leave. They help raise revenues for local budgets.

Why are tourist taxes becoming more common?

More places are adopting tourist taxes to get revenues from visitors that support tourism infrastructure and services.

Where will I have to pay tourist taxes?

Popular destinations in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and elsewhere now charge entry or hotel taxes. Check for fees before you book.

How much are the taxes?

Amounts vary widely, from $1 to $100 per person. City hotel taxes in Europe average €3-6 per night. Departure fees like in Costa Rica are $30.

Who has to pay?

Tourist taxes apply to foreign visitors, not locals. Some countries exempt young children. Cruise passengers sometimes get different fees.

How can I budget for tourist taxes?

Research the taxes for everywhere you will visit. Factor estimated amounts into your total trip budget. Exchange currency and have small bills ready.

So in summary, understand where tourist taxes exist and roughly how much, so you can account for these obligations in your 2023 vacation budgets. Proper planning prevents surprise fees on arrival.

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Written by Jason Miles

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