
Erdogan: 20 years of all-powerful leadership in Turkey

Turkey’s all-powerful leader for the past 20 years has been Erdogan


Having been Turkey’s leader for 20 years, Erdogan is the most powerful person in the country

Turkey has had Recep Tayyip Erdogan as its leader for 20 years. He has served as president for the most time in the history of the nation. He is a contentious individual. For his initiative on economic growth and anti-terrorism stance, he has received praise. As a result of his totalitarian leadership, he has also drawn criticism for suppressing dissent.

Rise to power of Erdogan

In the northern Turkish town of Rize, he was born in 1954. At Istanbul’s Marmara University, he majored in economics. He played football and ran a business after college. He joined the Muslim Salvation Party (MSP) in 1974. The MSP was outlawed in 1981 following a military takeover. Erdogan was detained and held in jail for 11 months due to his affiliation with the party.

Erdogan became Istanbul’s mayor in 1994. Three terms saw him in office as mayor. He presided over a period of economic expansion and prosperity in Istanbul while serving as mayor. Additionally, he implemented a variety of social reforms, including the construction of mosques and the adoption of Islamic dress codes.

Erdogan established the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2002. In the 2002 general election, the AKP triumphed with a resounding victory. Erdogan was appointed Turkish prime minister. A new constitution and the privatization of state-owned businesses are just two of the reforms that the AKP adopted.

The Turkish people chose Erdogan to lead Turkey in 2014. 2018 saw his election again. He has solidified his influence since taking office. He has increased presidential power and cracked down on criticism. Additionally, he has sought a more authoritarian foreign policy.

The legacy of Erdogan

Erdogan is a complicated and divisive individual. Among the accolades he has received are those for his anti-terrorist stance and his economic initiatives As a result of his totalitarian leadership, he has also drawn criticism for suppressing dissent.

There will certainly be discussion on Erdogan’s legacy for many years to come. Both domestically and internationally, he has had a significant influence on Turkey. Only time will tell how history will evaluate his administration.


Powerful and divisive, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a prominent character. He has been Turkey’s president for 20 years and has had a significant influence on the nation. There will certainly be discussion over his legacy for many years to come.

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Written by Jason Miles

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