
The Future of AI and AR/VR in the Digital World

How Should We Get Ready for the Future of Gen AI and AR/VR?

It is hardly surprising that new, cutting-edge fields like Gen AI and AR/VR are developing as technology advances. Although these technologies have a great deal of potential, there are worries about their unintended consequences and their potential for widespread adoption.

Gen AI, often referred to as Generative Artificial Intelligence, is a technology that creates new, previously unobserved data based on current patterns using machine learning algorithms. This can be used to produce new musical compositions as well as synthetic images, films, and other media. Gen AI has enormous potential, but there are worries about its unexpected repercussions. For instance, AI-generated photos have occasionally been used to produce deepfakes, in which a person’s face is placed onto another person’s body in a video. Due to the potential for propaganda and misinformation to be spread using deepfakes, this has consequences for privacy, security, and even democracy.

Similar worries exist regarding the general acceptance of AR/VR technologies. With the aid of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology, consumers may engage more fully with digital information. Although there are uses for this in entertainment, education, and even training, there are questions about how accessible and appealing these technologies are. For instance, VR headsets may not appeal to general audiences since they are pricy and difficult to wear for extended periods of time. Users may become so immersed in the virtual world that they overlook their real-world obligations and relationships, which raises concerns about the possibility of addiction and escape.

It’s crucial that creators and decision-makers approach the creation and application of these technologies with care and consideration in order to allay these worries. This entails funding studies to learn more about the unexpected repercussions that Gen AI and AR/VR might have, as well as creating rules and policies to guarantee their responsible and safe usage. It also entails giving accessibility and inclusivity first priority while creating these technologies so that anyone, regardless of background or abilities, can take advantage of them.

Despite the enormous potential of Gen AI and AR/VR, there are legitimate worries about their unintended consequences and general acceptance. It’s crucial for developers and policymakers to approach their creation and implementation with care and consideration in order to maximize their benefits and reduce their hazards. We can make sure that these technologies are applied in a way that benefits society as a whole by doing this.

What do you think?

Written by Jason Miles

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