
Are you apprehensive of the consequences of using artificial intelligence tools in your work?

With the proliferation of online artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, the university has streamlined its policy on the use of AI in assessments. Do you know when AI should be used and what the penalties are for abuse?

Unless else noted, the University considers the use of artificial intelligence tools in assessments to be false authorship, which constitutes an academic offense under the Academic Misconduct Policy( see False Authorship section).

There may be some examinations where the use of AI tools is allowed (e.g. to explore a content or formulate the structure of an essay). Still, you’ll be easily informed of this when you first set up the assessment; else, you should assume that the use of AI tools isn’t allowed during your assessment, if this is the case.

Possible consequences of academic misconduct can be a written rebuke, a reduction in grades, a fine, an interruption or termination of studies, and the pullout of a degree or grade that has formerly been awarded. Find out further about the procedure for scientific misconduct. We encourage all scholars to familiarize themselves with the Academic Misconduct Policy and understand what plagiarism, false authorship and conspiracy are.

As AI tools come more sophisticated, we’re likely to find them being used more extensively in both the plant and classroom. They’ve the eventuality to be important educational tools, but we also want to insure that the academic integrity of a University of Nottingham degree is maintained as it’s largely sought later and valued by employers and scholars likewise.

We’ll continue to review our procedures and programs related to AI and the elaboration of this technology.

What do you think?

Written by Jason Miles

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